Dating Widowers: In Their Own Words

Another found love in a grief group, only to find out that the man was horribly demeaning and all they really shared was the incredible bad luck that brought them to the group. Yet another went on several dates with a “nice” guy who she later found out was arrested and incarcerated for a decade for possessing child pornography. “That will scare you into never dating again,” she told me. I’ve learned that those of us who are dating widowers or widows should accept nothing that we wouldn’t accept from any partner, regardless of their circumstances. If a widower/widow can’t be a partner just like he/she was with his late wife/husband, he/she should NOT look for a new partner until he/she can.

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Brace up yourselves for finding that company from 100% free widow dating site. It’s not just the profiles that are hard. Almost every widow I know has a wild story about a stranger’s reaction after learning her relationship status. One of my friends was hit on by her late husband’s friend, a barber, as he cut her son’s hair.

Dating & Relationship advice

We are together now almost 2 years. It has been what I can only describe as a rollercoaster but worth every minute. I listened, hugged, laughed, cried, he gave love all the time, he backed off and withdrew into himself sometimes. He felt guilty, angry and heartbroken but also happy, loved and progressive. He never compares me to his beloved first wife.

We live together but he will not talk about marriage. We laugh and have fun but he doesn’t view me as the love of his later life. I gave up dating younger men when he came along. I loved his stability and his enthusiasm for life. I am a therapist and the people I’ve worked with didn’t take this long to let someone else love them.

Didn’t even consider anything as he was always her husband. I reconnected with him MPWH because I was in the area. It was nice to see him and we talked of his loss.

The Big no-nos of dating a widower

My advise, google red flags when dating a widower. Date someone that available emotionally and can move on. I was introduced to a widower almost 1 year ago. After about the 3rd time meeting him within a group of people, I had some interest. About 6 months ago we started hanging out more frequently. I have met his sister and both of his grown daughters.

So, if that’s what you mean when you say you don’t think you can ‘live up to him,’ then maybe you’re right. It’s not uncommon for widowers to measure a potential partner against a romanticized version of the woman they’ve lost. Psychoanalyst Darian Leader calls this the Rebecca Syndrome, a reference to the Daphne du Maurier novel in which the heroine is terribly haunted by the ghost of her husband’s late wife. According to Dr. Leader, the power of what has gone before will infuse even the most contented new partnerships. “The ghost is always there,” he maintains.

I entered back into the dating world five years after Michael passed and am a solo act at the moment, after short-term relationships and lovers. But ultimately, nearly two decades later, I take pleasure in knowing that I am more than a widow and more than a survivor—I am a resilient thriver. They cornered her and said, “What the hell are you doing? Most see their relationship as a spiritual practice, an opportunity to work on hurtful patterns and expand their capacity to forgive. There’s less drama, they report, and more peace.

My ex-husband left me for another woman. And sometimes I feel that way with my current husband. Not that he makes me feel this way. He goes out of his way to ensure that I am not second best. But I know that if he could rewind the clock 5 years and discover a cure for cancer, I would not be here. My name is Irech, I’m a black widow from South Africa, I lost my husband in 2010.

The man I am interested in is a widower of 5 years. The unique situation I find myself in is that he and I were a couple years ago in college. When we broke up, he met his future wife and I met my future husband.

My wife always said I had a face of stone but a heart of gold. 24 years into our marriage, the Drs. informed us of her stage 4 cancer with maybe 6 months. Her needs for the next three years was my only concern. I was fortunate to get almost 3.5 more years.

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